Saturday, February 28, 2009

Premier Wen talks online with public (chinadaily)

"Mentioning of anti-corruption, I think the most important thing is to solve defects in our system. Corruption can only be rooted out when power is supervised," said Wen.

He announced that the government is making "active preparations" for civil servants to declare their properties, a move that has been anticipated for a long time.

Wen said the government has taken measures to ensure people's participation in major policy-making, for example, public hearings are being held in the drafting of major laws and policies.

Good system matters more than good Premier(Quote and unquote)

"Good system matters more than good premier". The writer think that perhaps this is the most impressive and quotable quote of premier Wen online discussion with netizens of the mainland.

The mainland has to be consistent and action oriented in pursuing democratization and on what she preaches so long,and what she has promised to the people.

Allow netizens to have a say on decision to conduct political reform to democratize China since CPC has embraced democracy as universal value not confine to Western countries.As netizens happened to be the beacon and the only recognized voice of people of the masses of reform in the mainland.

Premier Wen has once again fathomed how people hate corruption of which the root cause can be treated by power being supervised,of which the present system could not do
and the saying of "Good system matters more than good Premier"goes.

This writer is an oversea Chinese all these years along have been closely tracking peaceful reunification of China and how mainland China reform it self by self initiation.Sorry to say on top of the success of economic reform over the past thirty years ,mainland China had achieved little in political reform ,and it pales miserably compare to economy reform.

This writer sincerely hope that China can emulate from premier Wen in speaking the truth and honest to the Chinese compatriots,just allow the people to decide or participate in policy making on political reform.And from here start the great journey of democratization of China after all power belongs to the people, govt are only care taker.This writer understands that by saying so, this comment might be too sensitive to be able to see sunlight.But the love for the ancestral land is undivided that is sure .

Last but not least this writer would like to quote what Sun Yat-sen has said "revolution had yet to be accomplished,comrades continue to strive relentlessly for the cause".

If this piece of comment see light ,for those who are interested in exploring how peaceful reunification of cross Straits and democratization of the mainland can go side by side to achieve a double goal, you may visit my blog at :kinglee by logon to google to share and exchange opinion on the matters.

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