Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Decision to meet Dalai's representative receives positive responses

Decision to meet Dalai's representative receives positive responses


"The rioters in Lhasa incident are not terrorists. Terrorists are well-planned before head. Those planned to hijack or blow up the airplane Xinjiang extremists are real terrorists.

Categorise rioters to terrorists would push them turn to the terrorists side.

And some Chinese are outraged because some non-Chinese took the chance of Olympic games to defame China. Do people like to be defamed when they are holding a big event to show they want peaceful competition?"(quote)

The writer tend to consent with the view of 1001.It doesn't help anybody to 'elevate' the Tibetan Youth Congress as terrorist group at par with the Xinkiang extremist group, except to bring joy to the enemies of China who are hiding in the dark corners to cheer the animosity between China vs. the West and Tibet is only a tool.

For goodness sack if the writer may speak his mind, China should adopt a cool wait and see attitude before jumping into conclusion by declaring the Tibet group as terrorist group, comparable to the West especially the US used to declare China as her number one potential enemy by circumcise China before the 70's, and in response to that China has worked hard to become one.

With the cold war ended long and the demise of ideological warfare, globalization taking over the helm, the days of unipolarity of the American is numbered, sooner multi-polarities shall set to shape the destiny of the new global order. The writer is sure and confident that China is making conscious preparation to play a more meaningful role expected of her by the international community sooner, and the Olympic and the two Ts issues shall provide the opportunity and platforms to China to usher and showcase to the world that a benign China expected of her ,and as painted by herself -- a HARMONIOUS China is emerging--bringing new meaning to PEACE to the world of which is indeed longing for something from China beyond materialistic and physical(economical) contribution--new values to help shape new added values of the orient on top of the underlying universal values, all aiming to make our only world better ,sustainable peaceful and harmonious(within mankind and with the environment)to live--by adopting the middle way of moderation.

HOW China tackle Tibet and Taiwan (although the nature of the two are essentially different, but the underlying values are common) for that matter the rioters and the so called ‘separatists’, the show belong to China, China is the player the judge would be the world; at the meantime, enough is enough! The self-justified and overenthusiastic western powers should know where to put a full stop to the on-going drama to antagonize and embarrass a harmonious rising China, and if the writer wishes may be realized: all threatening boycott show of Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony should come to close NOW! So long! Mr. president of France (sorry, I am Chinese educated, I can't figure out how to spell your name! but for that matter many Chinese would remember your Chinese name).

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