Friday, March 27, 2009



顯然的,馬英九如此全方位提出「兩項棄除」,攸關兩岸和平與共榮的關係,並非如一些大陸學者所謂的「擺明的屬於台獨的立場」,反而是馬英九政府立意要剷除阻礙兩岸關係達啟開政治談判門的重重難關 ,力排眾議 ( 陳肇敏應是奉命高調提出(六) 放棄武力犯台;及(七) 棄除「一中」框架),致力突破兩岸政治關係目前陷入的進退維谷。

※ 兩岸角力游戲開始




※ 大陸手法須更靈巧




然而,溫家寶的「小心翼翼」正好反映大陸對台策略的搖擺不定。他只是達到補充「胡六點」的作用,無法向台灣釋出正確清晰的信息,到底一中各表仍然管不管用? 這正是台灣所要的,否則台灣被迫提出自己的看法。

實際上,兩岸互動,要達成簽署和平協議(包括為和平協議引路的CECA),都存在著一定的壓力,在現階段,台灣的壓力似乎較大陸為重。這是大陸只談大格局大 方向(有宣傅的口惠),不談具體的實惠的後果。相信大陸深知此難處,CECA 會冒現,變得那麼迫切要簽定,不無與此有關。


第一,為何台灣在乎反分裂國家法 ? (請參閱「內化」進程跨前一步,消毒/解毒(獨)的作用;一旦廢除,相等於在政治上宣判「台獨意識「無期徒刑。在理,在統一,及在消獨上皆通。)

第二,為何要求廢除反分裂國家法, 通過陸委會主委及國防部長提出?






反分裂國家法,可視為兩岸關係邁向和解的心理障礙,一天不解下,總是覺得有一把無形的刃首在眼前幌來幌去(請問問馬英九感覺如何),渾身不自在也, 如此的兩岸關係能取得有意義的進展!






兩岸創新用語分享: (一)「七連珠(彈)」; (二)「七星陣」;(三) 空穴必招風







馬政府對大陸加強「攻勢」,使出連環四招,顯示一度被迫宮的馬英九,再次棄守為攻,改變戰略,應硬則硬,該軟即軟(如解說提出ECFA的因由) ,立場穩健,不只完全洗脫優柔寡斷的印象,猶有進者,毅然跨出一幅硬朗果敢的形象,的確令人刮目相看。





兩岸的策略交鋒由隱性演進至顯性,昭示兩岸政治的良性交鋒已無可避免晉入一場「策略肉博戰「,這是好事,因為兩岸在建立一定的善意與互信基礎後,現在是把近來幾年來累積的善意與互信付諸考驗的時候 (經不起考驗的互信要來做什麼? )。



(一 ) 兩岸民主核心論(容忍與和解);

(二) 提出CECA「協定」爭議 (後由馬英九主動改為ECFA協議);

(三) 再次重申一個中國即是中華民國的鮮明立場;


(四) 廢除反分裂國家法;

(五) 撤除飛彈;

(六) 放棄武力犯台;

(七) 棄除「一中」框架。



一個擺明搞台獨陣勢,脫軌的陳水扁既然是名正言順的台獨之子,何來提出反分裂國家法?這個問題壓根兒不存在! (相反的,在戰略上,反分裂國家法正是「台獨夢幻者「所要的東西。說得比較淺白些,反分裂國家法起碼為台獨的反宣傳作用,照亮了台灣夢幻者的大夢,正中下懷,反映「夢幻台獨分子」存在的價值與分量,使到台獨分子堂而皇之存活!歡迎都還來不及,何來廢除之呢!





綠燈亮乎? 兩岸關係要走正常化,和平發展的這粒重量球,應是馬英九政府回應「胡六點」與「溫報告」補充提出的「釋疑」的要求,大陸有必要慎重及全方正視之,而非頭痛醫頭腳痛醫腳,兩岸關係繼續膠著或與時併進,就要看一黨專政的中共內部的政治的凝聚力到那裡。


※ 「七星陣」嚴正以待











當然,台灣式的三權分立的制度上,三權分立(考試和監察權已名存實亡),分得不清不楚的立法,行政,司法的制衡機制(checks and balances),以及公民社會行使監督的權力與權限的界定,還是有重疊與混亂的現象,可見實施了20多年的民主制度仍然大有改善的餘地 (前總統陳水扁海外洗錢受審的司法實例,包括媒體的干擾性報導,正好說明台灣司法給人一種程序混亂,三權界線難以釐清的印象,法官的素質也有問題);就如推崇民主革新的一位中共黨校著名理論學者宜可平時常掛在咀邊的一句話;「民主就好像陀羅,旋轉才有意義…」。





和平:有人認為,大陸是一黨專政的國家,與大陸講民主,無疑緣木求魚,與夏蟲語冰;講和平還可以,至於有無民主攸關和平嗎? 這是一個可以辯論的課題。事實是大陸是否擁有某種程度的民主表象,或說具有進行政治改革的初徵?答案因人而異,見人見智,為一個開放式的答案。

或許,為了更準確回答這個問題,問者只要答覆一個框架內的反問── 一個沒有意向展開和平統一的大陸,與今天確有以和平方式統一意向的大陸,兩者有何不同?特別是對台灣的涵意,今天的台灣會感受到大陸持續釋放的善意嗎?還是今天的台灣的「民主威脅/恐嚇感」會否加劇?(筆者無意代台灣人回答。)請台灣人,尤其是仍然選擇活在「台獨烏托邦」的島民動動腦筋想想,答案與大陸的民主價值的認知有關連。(再不然,問問大陸中共黨內伺機蠢動的主戰派,答案就寫在黑板上。)

有些問題不需要直接解答yes or no,卻需要問者進行反思,沉澱,反省。



站在中華民族的立場,大陸的政治改革(民主化的啟動與其進程)是一項世界級的偉大人文改造工程。可用上「排山倒海,史無前例,不只改善民主,甚至創新人類的文明史」這四句話來形容中國的民主社會工程的啟動帶來震撼性,也不為過 (希望現在講不會言之過早!)。所以說,未來20、30年是中國人改造歷史的篇章,大陸領導人能開放胸襟,英勇擺脫教條思想,站在前人的肩膀遠眺未來,這個未來肯定是屬於中國人引領群雄的偉大時代。現時美國引發的全球金融海嘯及接踵而來的經濟大衰退,是一個重要的徵兆,東方人傳承的固有美德,價值與智慧,包括中道和諧的精神將照明全球,並得到一個歷史性機遇參與重新打造普世價值鍊。



Friday, March 13, 2009






※ 鄧公以身試法



* 一國兩制:從不提一國兩制出發,也許可以窺見一個兼容價值觀的冒現,不再是僵化的思維束縛, 超越一國兩制的局限 (必須再指出,超越並非取代),其釋放的空間與力量是巨大的,它讓人得以探討其他更好的選擇,或對各項可行的統一法進行兼收並蓄的整合。


※ 「台獨」可防不宜攻

* 台獨:至於「台獨」,筆者前文之一對「台獨烏托邦」的意識形態加以分析,台獨除了是「幻覺避難所」,充其量也是「愛台自戀狂」的出氣筒,大陸在策略戰術上進行必要的修正,不要跟自己的影子打架,犯上杯弓蛇影之誤。顯然,溫家寶已經看穿台獨虛幻的外套。


※ 中道抬頭

* 中庸之道:如果要用比較感性的文字形容溫家寶對台報告的部份,可反映在一個從「解懷,釋懷,定懷」的心路歷程。一個展現自信與遠見的領袖,除了自我肯定外,亦突現對未來及應對未來變化能力的預見滿懷信心。這可能就是華人領袖,在中庸價值中展現東方謙卑的獨特魅力吧!



擺在眼前的不再是路在何方,棄醫從文的民族大文豪魯迅說,「路是人走出來的」,如今,在增進善意,強化互信的初階下,「路」的輪廓已逐漸成形,兩岸如何昂首跨步,併駕齊驅,以中華民族的智慧,互信互愛,互相攙扶,互補長短,走出一條真正彰顯民族優秀的「道」,正是溫家寶兩岸工作報告具釋放的協商精神! 也是解放思維的一道曙光。

贈予兩岸領導:理性思考,中道協商, 和平發展,共赴時艱;尊重現實,出發現實,平等雙贏,不同而和,齊頭併進,不同而合。


九二共識再浮現之:和平發展擔綱兩岸 (上篇)

在難以找到政治共識的定位下,兩岸關係急轉彎,導致「和平協議」退居幕後,CECA(「綜合經濟合作協議」Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement) 領頭開拓兩岸和平的新格局。




* 重提九二共識:這一點對台灣提出的對等政治地位的訴求非常重要,也是使兩岸未來展開政治談判得以重返歷史共識原點的重點,顯示大陸切切重視台灣的心聲與敏感點。儘管溫家寶未提九二共識下的一中各表,最低程度大陸主導對台關係的九二共識基礎未被捨棄,或被冷藏,維續兩岸關係的九二共識精神得以保溫。

•區隔政治:兩岸關係因九二共識的一中各表阻隔陷入膠著,可能會影響到兩岸其他領域的關係的進展,包括大三通下的經濟,文化,貿易關係的發展,特別是CECA 的簽署。有鑑於此,展現自信的溫家寶立即調整短期的兩岸策略,把比較敏感的政治從經濟,軍事,對外關係中抽離。溫家寶採取「區隔「兩岸政治關係的手法,是一項順應時勢,明智變通的舉措,反映大陸決策層開始落實「先易後難」,「宜經宜政」,「以經輔(帶)政」的調適策略。(無論如何,胡六點主張的「政經雙軌道「仍然是兩岸關係中長期發展路線的主軸,所謂退居幕後只是暫時性的權宜之舉。) (這就是所謂的開創兩岸和平發展的「新格局」)

實際上,在面臨全球金融海嘯引發的嚴重經濟衰退的問題上,其迫切性及嚴重性遠遠超越兩岸長遠的政治關係;尤其是台灣民生面臨的經濟不景的壓力,以一個出口導向的外向型經濟體,在東盟明年生效的東盟加一(中國)的自由貿易區初階經濟共同體,如果台灣不能及時搭上這一列邁向區域域經濟一體化的快車,恐怕台灣將因政治失誤而得不償失,錯過享有龐大的6億市場的減免關稅的機會,並加劇了台灣的經濟危機引發的民生社會動蕩後果,同時給予「台獨烏托邦」分子一個操弄族群的機會;一個不小心,處理不當,勢將對馬英九政府造成一個非常沈重的打擊(甚至被迫付出慘重的政治代價)。這已是可以預料的事。儘管台灣內部存有雜音,明眼人一看就會了然簽還是不簽,處於劣勢的肯定不是大陸 (順道一提,台灣內部的雜音千萬不可因為短暫的政治利益,而刻意阻撓兩岸締結CECA,經濟慘痛的後果除了全島民自負外,難道要叫投機政客負責?)。


* 還有一點值得一提,從兩岸良性互動的宏觀視野探討,大陸在經濟上對台灣的寬容厚待,非同小可,很多東西已是不言而喻,大陸這個取角彰顯的包容性,台灣應如何解讀,是台灣應做的功課。過去20多年,大陸經濟改革開放以來,台灣與大陸經濟的融合已到達非常頻密緊湊的進程,可謂水乳相融,這是一個不可扭轉的大勢。實際上,大中華經濟圈從80年代以來即是存在的「實體經濟」,加上近期大陸游客大幅度增長(預料今年訪台的大陸游客人數將增至100萬人次)。大三通的「假象」開始發酵,假以時日,帶來的「真象」,對經濟社會效益形成的深遠影響不可被低估。

大陸在兩岸關係上向台灣持續展示的善意,包括屬意與台灣簽署CECA,明顯的,這是為了照顧台灣的尊嚴,從CECA的設計(包括大陸回應馬英九的要求而提議簽署CECA),大陸對台政策的靈活性已做出可觀,且具體的讓步(台灣感受到大陸的誠意嗎?)!再說筆者看不出,台灣與大陸簽署CECA 有何不利不妥,當然島內發出的雜音一味鑽進狹隘的政治,披著「泛島民政治論「看待這種有機,合乎自然規律的融合,那就另當別論。畢竟那是「脫軌思維」在作祟(不值得多提)。

總括言之,溫家寶的兩岸講話,對台灣釋放的善意有加,「補充」了胡六點的與時併進,那是肯定的,問題是在和平協議退居幕後的情景下,除了流水式的大三通外,兩岸要通過什麼比較具體與實質的計劃推動兩岸關係的向前挺進? 眼下的CECA 不就是現實政治狀況的約束下最好的項目嗎? 而且馬英九亦表明,CECA 無關政治,無關主權意識。

※ 政治正門不闖,經濟小門把關


更值得台灣賞識的是,大陸為了關照台灣的尊嚴,特別使用CECA字眼,不同於一國兩制與香港簽署的CEPA ,也有異於國興國之間簽署的FTA。大陸釋出的「實質誠意」難道台灣感受不到嗎!?

後註:為了平息島內的雜音,馬英九不得不公開出面澄清,並將原來的兩岸「綜合經濟合作協議」(CECA),改成兩岸「經濟合作架構協議「(ECFA) 。由「架構」取代「綜合」。馬解釋說,這個內容是「暫時的」,也「不是一步到位」。馬還特別說明,協議是「非政治性的」,「不會涉及主權、統獨問題」。 (筆者嘗試詮釋兩者有何不同;所謂「綜合「有全面性,整體性的涵意;架構英文原文是Framework,具有涵蓋不同的多層次,擁有必須經歷不同階段,按序的經濟合作的特點,以達到所屬意的合作目標或層次。兩者的差別可能是「綜合」比較具有明確的政策性,唯涉及的領域廣泛;架構則傾向於探索性;前者比較傾向政策導向,後者是探討不同領域的可行合作性,所以是按序而行,具有一定的彈性;儘管字眼名稱上不一樣,在達致功能性以落實宗旨上,相信不會影響兩岸展開全方位的經濟合作的原意,問題只是鑑定那些領域/行業優先進行合作/開放的先後秩序。


感想:無論是CECA 抑或馬英九提出修改為ECFA也好,都是兩岸政府邁向和平發展兩岸關係的具體努力,兩岸中期關係沿著即定方向的挺進開拓,應是「宜經宜政」,經政適時相輔相成的彈性雙軌道;基於政治實現的束縛,除了脫軌的台獨意識勢力的小撮雜音外,從正面的觀點探討,兩岸關係走到今日,整體大方向的鉤勒,已令人窺見一個日漸明朗的軌跡,而且是一個充滿靈活與彈性的「宜經宜政」。


評估:最後,如果筆者能大膽給予客觀的評估,兩岸關係目前的位置是已隱性越過「重返現實」及「認清現實」,正處於如何顯性「尊重現實」的位階;如何尊重現實的學問考驗並不簡單,除了要尊重分歧外,也面對「不同而和」的挑戰;且看兩岸政治精英的思維是放任停滯在牢籠裡,還是主動解放思維,無畏地與時併進,這是兩岸中期關係發展至今最大的「檢驗門」,CECA(ECFA) 過不過關,正是兩岸短期關係第一輪驗明正身。

本期(上)兩岸創新用語:(一)宜經宜政;(二)脫軌思維;(三)彈性雙軌道;(四 )檢驗門,以此與關懷及研究兩岸課題的各界分享交流,個人部落格網址:www.kinglee (先進入google blog search)(下篇待續)

Monday, March 9, 2009




鑑此,沒有政治領航的兩岸關係不會取得良好持續的發展,這一點胡六點似乎有所領會。問題是領會是 一回事,落實又是另外一回事。孫中山先生的知易行難,都是兩岸謀求和平與統一永遠的啟迪。技術上,兩岸關係若即若離的間中,不宜維持太久。



※ 要前瞻捨棄「兩會」




和平協議有一所門,這所門就是「和解之門」,沒有和解,何來和平協議,至於和解之門與「互認政治實體「與打開「和平協議之門「為劃上等號的兩位一體;換言之,沒有互認政治實體,即不能啟開與進入「和解門」,沒有政治上的和解,象徵和平共存共榮的和平協議將無法登堂入殿,這就是沒有政治承擔的政治意願(a political will without commitment )的註解。


感想: 如此觀之,一岸視而不見「和解門」,和平協議「見樹不見林」,眼高手底,心懷中華民族的全球華社唯有仰天一聲長嘯,擊鼓退堂去了!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Decision to meet Dalai's representative receives positive responses

Decision to meet Dalai's representative receives positive responses


"The rioters in Lhasa incident are not terrorists. Terrorists are well-planned before head. Those planned to hijack or blow up the airplane Xinjiang extremists are real terrorists.

Categorise rioters to terrorists would push them turn to the terrorists side.

And some Chinese are outraged because some non-Chinese took the chance of Olympic games to defame China. Do people like to be defamed when they are holding a big event to show they want peaceful competition?"(quote)

The writer tend to consent with the view of 1001.It doesn't help anybody to 'elevate' the Tibetan Youth Congress as terrorist group at par with the Xinkiang extremist group, except to bring joy to the enemies of China who are hiding in the dark corners to cheer the animosity between China vs. the West and Tibet is only a tool.

For goodness sack if the writer may speak his mind, China should adopt a cool wait and see attitude before jumping into conclusion by declaring the Tibet group as terrorist group, comparable to the West especially the US used to declare China as her number one potential enemy by circumcise China before the 70's, and in response to that China has worked hard to become one.

With the cold war ended long and the demise of ideological warfare, globalization taking over the helm, the days of unipolarity of the American is numbered, sooner multi-polarities shall set to shape the destiny of the new global order. The writer is sure and confident that China is making conscious preparation to play a more meaningful role expected of her by the international community sooner, and the Olympic and the two Ts issues shall provide the opportunity and platforms to China to usher and showcase to the world that a benign China expected of her ,and as painted by herself -- a HARMONIOUS China is emerging--bringing new meaning to PEACE to the world of which is indeed longing for something from China beyond materialistic and physical(economical) contribution--new values to help shape new added values of the orient on top of the underlying universal values, all aiming to make our only world better ,sustainable peaceful and harmonious(within mankind and with the environment)to live--by adopting the middle way of moderation.

HOW China tackle Tibet and Taiwan (although the nature of the two are essentially different, but the underlying values are common) for that matter the rioters and the so called ‘separatists’, the show belong to China, China is the player the judge would be the world; at the meantime, enough is enough! The self-justified and overenthusiastic western powers should know where to put a full stop to the on-going drama to antagonize and embarrass a harmonious rising China, and if the writer wishes may be realized: all threatening boycott show of Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony should come to close NOW! So long! Mr. president of France (sorry, I am Chinese educated, I can't figure out how to spell your name! but for that matter many Chinese would remember your Chinese name).

President Hu Jintao meets with Japanese PM Fukuda

President Hu Jintao meets with Japanese PM Fukuda

What have President Hu Jintao and reputed Japanese world ambassador Mr.Daiseku Ikeda share in common? It’s none other than peace and people first humanistic value.

In this era of hectic physical and material centric development, the urgency to promote peace and harmony has never seem to be so challenging and compelling to re-emphasis the two traditional values as old as human history. Having reflected what nations, societies, groups or sects are doing or have done to pursue their respective goals and ambitions disregard to peace and harmony, in what ever name and thinking are infact tantamount to homicide of mankind.

We may take a step backward to recollect how the past few decades the world were in a relatively stable and civilized environment without large scale wars, however peace and harmony are still as elusive as human mind.Obviously, peace and harmony have been taken for granted without being appreciated, and to the writer urgently requiring a cultural renaissance to priorities the two good and old value into their right perspective, not only within society but in international community.

Mr.Ikeda is a renowned contemporary educationalist, proponent of humanistic Buddhism, and reputed world peace ambassador of Japan to the world; For the past half a century he had persistently and passionately promote peace to the every corners of the world and had earned the prestige Noble peace prize.

For the good of world peace, and aiming to open up a new chapter for model to be emulate, contributing and elevating to long term peaceful and harmonious development of Sino -Japanese relationship ,this writer suggested that president includes a visit to Mr.Ikeda into his itinerary during the president's official visit to Japan scheduled in early month of 2008.Perhaps China and Japan may join hands to explore how the two neighbors which share common origin of culture in Confucianism and Buddhism, to "reinstate" peace and harmony into "people first" humanistic value system, contributing to the reshaping of world new order, kicking off a cultural renaissance initiative for Sino-Japan, both for bilateral relationship and for world peace.

China devoted to improving human rights - minister

China devoted to improving human rights - minister


Human rights and civil rights are interwoven. In country like
China they are inseparable as human rights are not organized
,are sporadic and are not represented,least to say being championed in China.

Its high time that China relooks at how basic human rights can be represented by allowing NGOs to in come to play their legal and indispensable role in the frame work of China new and decent society of check and balance to abuse of power and social injustice, from there to groom the very foundation and birth of a civil society which is fundamental in shaping of a democracy society ,if China govt under CPC rule meant what it said that democracy is good stuff( mingzhu shi how dongxi).

After 30 years of unprecedented economic reform, the writer think that if at all master Deng is still around today he would be happy to see China taking another bold step to follow up on his unfinished reform/mission to the outdated political system and allow its people who had been starved of political freedom and to certain extend deprived of basic human rights and civil rights,to enjoy freedom of speech in the society .

AND it starts with the right to organize themselves to be heard and taken accounted for their rights in a probable ,accountable and legal manner,netizens has come a long way, and with netizens expected to double to more than 500 million by 2012 in China ,making preparation now is not early but urgent ,and now is better than never.

Blessing and betting on the far-sightedness of China's leadership under president Hu and premier Wen,and also on how netizens get themselves organized ,the on-going incidents of anti-dependence of Tibet and anti-French sentiments reflected and stemmed from their nationalism and patriotism are testimonial to grass root power ,guide them and shape before time runs out !

The blessing of this writer is always with far-sighted, wise and fearless leaders of tomorrow.

President Hu Jintao delivers New Year Message

President Hu Jintao delivers New Year Message

We will also adhere to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems". We will grasp firmly the theme of peace and development in handling cross-Straits relations, and work for the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, strive for peace in the region and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.(quote)

This is perhaps the most peaceful and harmonious sounding and appealing new year speech of president Hu Jintao ,as the word peace /peaceful has been mentioned eight times in the president short welcome speech of 2008.The most impressive part being to adhere to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems";a renewed political resolution to bring back Taiwan by peaceful mean, and commitment to work for the wellbeing of compatriots of both sides of cross Straits, in the course of pursuing the goal of reunification in relationship to national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

With the unwavering commitment to peace and stability in the region, peaceful reunification of Taiwan with China has clearly been craved out as indispensable part of the a bigger picture of "peace, harmony and stability building" of the region; of which peaceful mean to the cause of reunification to bring back Taiwan has become the foundation of the message (words) of peace and stability of the region to be fulfilled in deed and action.

Inspite of repeated provocative stances adopted by Mr.Bian on the other shore ,the start of 2008 see the tone of benign and conducive atmosphere set by president Hu, some one might be prompt to ask: what are the underlying basic and principles to start the ball rolling for consensus building prior to formal negotiations of reunification? to the writer mind ,if at all formal talks can begin "warning up" sessions must be trusted out to meet the following five pre-requisities:

Equality: only with equality comes peace, both are mutual respectful and respectable negotiation partners(NOT rivals);

Democracy: with commitment of endowment of framework of basic right to the people for self determination of their common fate, start with public hearings, NOT on decision of reunification(Strictly not construed as referendum ),but How and WHEN, this is to encourage early stage of participation democracy(inline with value of scientific outlook of political development with Chinese characteristics).

Rule of law: with rule of law, communities of cross Straits can act according to the tenets of law and judiciary in pursuing their rights enshrined in the constitution, as reunification process is a double track with process of democratization and very time consuming (long term).

Mutual recognition: only with political entity, entitlements and rights being recognized as legal and de-facto representatives of their respective political empowerment(or govts);than the reunification negotiations and process of reunification itself can be laden on strong legal base ;otherwise, formal and official negotiations could not start without political power to represent, present and decide mutually;

Conciliation :base on the above four principles to reach mutual Consensus of cross Straits, the table is set for talks to conduct .And the above is prelude to reaching CONCILATION, with that "blessing" jump on track to reunification.

It is imperative to bear in mind that, this is cross Straits negotiation prior to the reunification negotiation itself ,not yet arrive at a "one country two systems "stage, and mind you, the writer can forecast, eventually if the path to reunification can be allowed to take place with blessing from both shores and realized, the sum would be greater than the input, a GREATER CHINA(Da Zhong Hua) would be born encompassing a new entity not only for cross Straits communities, but for every Chinese globally to take patronage and be proud of.

To the writer ,this might be the common aspiration of every Chinese in 2008,to see the staging of ice-breaking journey turning to ice-melting comparable to the official visit of premier Wen to Japan in 2007;and mind you a journey of a thousand miles have to start somewhere under the first step. With self confidence and self assertiveness of mainland China rising to unprecedented level, 2008 shall witness new effort with formula/solution approach to tackle the issue of reunification. These are arising from a new mindset beyond bondage of pessimistic history, and are within expectation of this writer.

Move on GREATER CHINA (Da Zhong Hua), the world is in waiting!!!

Britain opposes Taiwan's planned referendum on UN bid

Britain opposes Taiwan's planned referendum on UN bid


The issue of reunification of China is not a conventional game of taking which sides of the "rivalry”, though it does help to make it clear in the international arena that what is advisable and feasible and what is not.

Reunification is a process of integration and resonation between two political entities of the same blood and bone (gu ru siang lian),which is forced to separate by history and political differences ,and no body should be blamed for that misfortunate befalls Zhonghua Mingzhu,if we were to look ahead and beyond history (zhao yee li shi)and are determined to resolve the backage of history, and are perseverance to stand the test of time to walk our own unique way of reunification by peaceful and democratic mean.

For one thing is crystal clear if we were to recreate history and avoid the pitfall of pressimism of history, international forum or diplomatic channel is the outer circumstances and atmosphere to be optimise to shape the fate, BUT the core of reunification is still glued to the attitude and positions and underlying values adopted by both shores of cross Straits communities, outsiders cannot help or meddle in!

The stand of international community on the issue of the planned referendum of Taiwan to join UN in the name of Taiwan reflects the reality that the bid is obviously neither feasible and workable, and somewhat the message of nature of "deadend political decision" are clearly written on the wall, may be viewed as "suicidal attempt"by DPP and Mr. Chen Sui Bian (if they still insisted to conduct the referendum post suffering heavy legislative election defeat).

To the writer, what is crucial from now till the presidential election in March, is a extra sensitive period to the Taiwanese, especially those who voted for KMT candidates during the legislative election, and KMT is viewed as the alternate political party which can make peace with mainland China ,according to understanding reached under "consensus 1992".As during this transitional period prior to the presidential election ,many new supporters of KMT especially ex-supporters of DPP are watchful and can interpreted their own ways the happenings as shrinking the survival of Taiwan in international arena or diplomatic domain, as high-handed ,suppressing to the negotiating position of Taiwan with mainland China.

Any wrong messages send to the peaceful reunification of China might not help the situation and might be a deterrent to jump start pre-negotiation of reunification.

On the contrary, the writer feel that this is the golden opportunity for mainland China to correct the misconception that she is suppressing the survival of Taiwan in international arena; The result of the legislative election is the first positive and strong indication that the stand of KMT on reunification issue is endorsed ,but there is long way to go, as anything can change for the "mandate" can be disturbed ,as the voters who supported reunification should not be penalised for the wrong doings by Mr.Bian mainly due to promoting referendum to join UN.

Perseverance and caution is the name of the game, as first hurdle is cleared now ;both sides required some space to take stock of the mandate and verdict of Taiwanese voters, as emphasised by president Hu that the ultimately the interest of 23 million Taiwan patriots are also taken in account for the great cause of reunification of China.

Hu Jintao meets KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan

Hu Jintao meets KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan


Despite the unexpected "contrary" appointment of Mdm Lai Sing Yen as chief of Taiwan's mainland affairs by president in-waiting Ma Ying -Geou
the meeting of president Hu Jinto and KMT honorary chairman Lien Chain is another another rejuvenating follow-up meeting between leaders of both shores for ice-melting after 60 years of separation by ideological differences between China under CPC and Taiwan under ROC;And this writer can see this has not unduly dampen the sentiment of meeting of both leaders.

But what is important is what were mentioned and without during the meeting of two leaders. Based on the media report,what were not mentioned continue to carry far -fetch implication of the "conditional" peaceful development of relationship of both shores especially political and issues of reunification in the process.

This were the second time "one China policy "and "one country two systems" were not mentioned since Boao meeting in mid April between president Hu and vice-president in waiting Mr.Siao Wan Chang(which were described as historical and of highest ranking of both shores since 1949 of breaking up);And this writer observed that the 92'Consensus were only mentioned once.The routine attack on "Taiwan pro-independence clique" were also "eclipsed".

But equally important is of course "recognition of the differences of definition of one China"(yi zhong ge biao);of which "yi zhong ge biao" is now the sole consensus of 92'Consensus(if otherwise,there would not be any consensus left of 92'Consensus ,and 92'Consensus would be hollowing-out or null and void for it is a body without soul;Or indicating that both sides are prepared to restate the talks from zero sum.)

President Hu has called for "substantial efforts for the welfare of Chinese compatriots on both sides,to seek peace across the Taiwan Straits and create a new situation for the peaceful development of cross-Straits relationship."
The mention of "effort create a new situation" is indeed very significant ,and this should be the source to draw inspiration for Taiwan leaders to seek consensus with mainland leaders to work toward ,creating a win-win (new)solution for peaceful development of cross -Straits relationship.

Besides reiteration of five-stanza of "building mutual trust ,laying aside disputes,seeking consensus and shelving differences,and creating a win-win situation",of which president Hu had said so firstly in Boao;this time around,he seems to be opening up new avenue /space for negotiation(negotiation is more encouraging than mere talks),and perhaps more readily to consider "innovative" suggestion from Taiwan ,after taking recognition of the differences of definition (of one China),and that might account for president Hu refraining from mentioning of the two perceived principles (one China and one Country two systems) of reunification for two consecutive high ranking meetings since Boao.

To this writer ,benign and positive messages has been delivered from the mainland since tele conversation between president Hu and president Bush in early March ,of which for the first time "yi zhong ge biao"(meant to differ on the definition of one China) has been confirmed by official Xinhua news agency reports;ITS TIME NOW for both mainland and Taiwan to restore consultation and talks on the basic of 92'Consensus (if it is still there) ,recognize the differences of definition, and from there move forward to identifying common ground ,to allow the birth of a common entity of embodiment of the two political entities/regimes--People Republic of China (PRC)on the mainland and Republic Of China (ROC)on Taiwan-- to merge into one new entity,which is along the line of visionary Greater China,or the proposed Republic of Greater China (RGC).

Back to the topic ,one thing is sure ,for 1.4 billion compatriots on both shores separated by 180km wide Straits for at least 60 years;without reaching political binding consensus as baseline ,setting as great goal towards realization of reunification of China ,economic ,people to people (P2P) and business to business(B2B) integration between both shores could not go far and deep, without the de-facto blessing of the political masters of both shores;and under such situation ,leaders of both shores simply have failed the people /their compatriots,their mission to build permanent peace feature,and not least their mission owed to Zhonghua Mingzhu.

Best wishes to them ,if leaders of both shores had the benefit and interest of the people deep inside the blossom of their hearts,and do it without fear and favor,the writer is full of ray of confidence and formidable conviction that they can do it.As it is not only a path of reunification of Zhonghua Mingzhu,but a PATH of PEACE and HARMONY TO WALK,and to realize the visionary Greater China's due contribution to the world at large.