Friday, January 23, 2009


國民黨參選人馬英九在台灣322總統選舉面對的並非台灣的命運那麼簡單,他如何參選及出師,很大程度上亦將塑造今後兩岸統一與民主進程,如果他胸無大志, 只求保持現狀,憑他所謂的「給他八年為台灣帶來百年榮景」的口號為指標,兩岸社會如果要求他有所做為都份屬「奢求」,除非他因應戰略需要,以退為進,繼續 保持他向來的「君子風範」,則另當別論。

The content and context of campaign of KTM presidential candidate Mr.Ma Ying Geou decide not the future of democracy of Taiwan ,but more importantly how the path of reunification with China and democratization of China shall be shaped .Some quarter were of the view that Mr.Ma is lacking in ambitious ,for he had only wished to remain status quo.If at all the perception holds water , than it is extravaganza to expect of him to come out of the doldrum.

過大半的台灣選民在一月份的立委選舉中的表態,已間接認同與大陸統一的選擇為時間上遲早的問題,台獨已被否決,且國民黨副總統參選人蕭萬長在馬一 再打出「三不」( 不武,不獨,不統)的牌子後,已補上一腳把「不統」改為「不急統」,國民黨在贏取立委的超過三分二席位後,在兩統一課題上,已處於退可守,進可攻的平衡策 略上,形成繞有回旋餘地,對症下藥因應總統選舉的主體性-建於謀求有利台灣的短期兩岸關係。

Based on the result of the legislative election in January ,more than half of the voters of Taiwan who casted their votes had implicitly vetoed the option of independence of Taiwan ,and that reunification with mainland China is only a matter of time . On top of that KMT vice –presidential candidate Mr.Siaw Wan Chang had made his own amendment to the “three withouts” (withstand the use of force against Taiwan , withstand declaration independence by Taiwan ,and withstand reunification with mainland )laid out by Mr.Ma with regards to relationship with mainland China ;Mr.Siaw amended withstand reunification to withstand hastily reunification .By virtue of that ,having secured more than two third majority seats in the legislative Yuan,KMT has placed itself in a advantageous attack/defense position to counter DPP endeavors in the upcoming presidential election. And with that ,KMT has address the core issue of localized Taiwanese interest for the short term.


Presidential candidate of DPP Mr.Shieh Chang Ting who has maintain a elusive relationship with president Chen Sui Bian post legislative election ,has said that the way to break thru the dilemma with mainland China could not rely on consensus of 1992 with mainland China.but rather base on the consensus reaching on formula of reunification with China .This is by far the most positive and forward looking statement from DPP post legislative election . And with that back to the table where the core issue remained relationship of cross straits communities. Return of public opinion and paying due respect to people wishes .a reflection of positive comment on cross Straits relationship.

以兩岸關係為基調的台灣總統選舉,會否出現能領導台灣人民昇華台灣民主體系與經驗,輻射至中華大地的願景領袖(visionary leader),目前仍然是前途未卜,儘管國民黨與民進黨參選人已重返兩岸關係基調上,蕭萬長拋出「不急統」與馬英九的「不統」已有進步,兩者仍然止步於 「不統」的格調,在觀念上停留在消極的抗拒意識。

Back to the tune of cross Straits relationship, the herald of the birth of a visionary leader encompassing the wholesome of Greater China is still hanging in the air or unpredictable .as two plus one withouts of Mr.Shieh comparatively to the bottom line of the three withouts were no doubt an improvement ,but still short of a positive note ,as they still dealt with negativity of denials.


Till press time ,other than Mr.Ma promised of a three direct links with mainland China,there are no sign of breakthrough of an impasses from a victorious KMT by announcement of a guideline of vision ,still clinging to the baseline of a defensive three withouts.

挺民進黨的學者李遠哲在評論馬英九時,曾經暗示馬英九「胸無大志」,並非領導台灣迎接大時代的理想最高領導人。從馬英九於國民黨在立委選舉取得大 勝後接受媒體訪問時,表示一旦中選總統他要作個「文化總統」;如此的政論加上防衛性的「三不」底線。馬英九的談話是否洩露他真的「胸無大志」,可圈可點! 畢竟政治與文化是兩回事。政治有長短期戰略與目標,文化卻是長期的耕耘,這與馬英九的「百年繁榮」的承諾不謀而合,可能影射馬英九對兩岸統一大業「胸無大 計」;「胸無大志」與「胸無大計」一字之差,可否劃上等號,相提併論,留待讀者自行判斷與時間去驗證。

The pro DPP scholar cum Nobel laureate Dr.Lee Yuan Chieh had hinted that Mr.Ma Lacking in ambitious,and might not be the right choic to lead Taiwan to usher in this era of great challenge as top leader.Mr,Ma shed clue of his plan in the even he is elected president when he disclosed to the media post legislative election that he wishes to be a president with cultural mission ; That disclosure on top of his bottom line of three withouts read together that he would he be interpreted as an ambitionless president.As beyond doubt politics and cultural mission are entirely two different prerogatives ,as politics involves high strategies and were long short terms ,and cultural mission are long term affair , and the scenario coincide with the promised of a century of stability and prosperity to Taiwan if he win the presidential election.In Chinese proverb ‘being ambitionless’ and’being without great plan’ are a character away ,can they be synchronized as one and the same ,it is not the intention of the writer only time and history can tell .

中華大地正值多事之秋,畢竟兩岸重歸統一課題影響所致,演變至今已經超越兩岸社會,體制的範疇,甚至超越主權與領土完整的傳統國家觀念(必須嚴正 指出,超越並非取代,而是涵蓋);它觸動全球中華兒女的心,為全球華人精神的歸宿所繫,全世界華人共同關心的課題,也是立功,立言,立德的大勢所趨 ,人心所向。兩岸和平統一,台灣與台灣人為中華大地及中華兒女血脈相連,不可分割。

It is trying time for Greater China, the impact of the issue of reunification of cross Straits Communities is far reaching ,and as of today it may be said that the repercussion of the issue has even surpassed the conventional interpretation of territory and sorvergnity
integrity ,as it strikes the core of heart of global Chinese ,and perceived as the spiritual homage of global Chinese community, as their common aspiration ,and to pay tribute to its peaceful resolution ,as Taiwan stands as an undisputable and inseparable part of Greater China and bone and fresh of the fraternity .


An inspired and far-sighted leader should embrace reunification of the state ,and not otherwise ,and resist ,escape ,be relax on the laurel of temporary stability ,as the honor of reunification mission were an rare honor to be bestowed .Allow global Chinese who see the common cause of reunification as their own ,to be proud of leadership demonstrating in courage to shoulder the great task of confronting the reunification .

筆者不願在此關鍵時刻妄下定論,不過,起碼敢於擔當的領袖有義務向全世界的炎黃子孫交待他胸有大計,引領台灣子民拓展視野,超越台灣,與彼岸的同 胞攜手立足大中華,在海外同胞義無反顧的支援下,放眼世界公民,勇於撥亂反正;讓普天下的大中華兒女釋懷,對中華大地重歸統一的目標與願景的實現有所指 望。

It is not the intention of the writer to jump to conclusion, but back to basic ,it is the obligatory for a committed leadership to make a political announcement to global Chinese community with regards to the cause of reunification which is beyond Taiwan ,by setting foot on Greater China ,and aspiring as global tizenship ,bringing the realization of reunification of China within the scope and horizon of globalized Chinese


With expectation ,over to you ‘president’ Ma Ying Geou, to enlighten and clear the skepticism and worry of an “ambitionless president”.

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