經過一年多來的蹉跎,大陸國家主席兼中共中央領導人胡錦濤終於打破冗長的沈默,在致給國民黨的雙十賀電中重申「堅持九二共識」;國民黨主席兼台灣總統馬英九10月18日上午出席國民黨第18屆中央評議委員第1 次會議時,才珊珊來遲給予回應:重提九二共識,強調兩岸在1992年11月所達成的九二共識,就是一中各表。果真如此,陷入膠著的兩岸政治關係終於露出了曙光。
兩岸最高領導人在用詞中皆使用「堅持」九二共識,可惜胡錦濤未提一中各表,未有直接了當,正面肯定九二共識的內容即是一中各表,還是有「猶抱瑟琵半摭面之嫌,與胡錦濤上回直接了當指出兩岸關係的關鍵難題在於一中的詮釋(即各自表述) 的明確性說法還是有所保留。
值得一提的是,在中國和平統一的話語內,「一中各表」中,一邊是提出一中各表的「中華民國」(台灣),另一邊是最終認同一中各表的「中華人民共和國」(中國大陸),份屬兩個政治實體(或稱「政權」);一中各表的被接納,不約而同精準地吻合本小組提出的「兩體一國」(TWO ENTITIES WITH A SINGLE STATE)的中間載體(中介體)是什麼?最令人玩味!。根據本小組的倡議,中間的中道載體即大中華願景下的「大中華共和國-REPUBLIC OF GREATER CHINA」。這個載體確切結合與兼收並容兩個政體,符合重返一中或一國的基本原則。只是國號與名稱不同,不管是大中華,或其他名號,仍然是一個國家,一個民族,一個中國!
Chinese, U.S. presidents hold telephone talks on Taiwan, Tibet
www.chinaview.cn 2008-03-27 00:16:16
Special report: Dalai clique's separatist activities condemned
BEIJING, March 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed his views on the Taiwan and Tibet issues to his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush during talks over the telephone held Wednesday, a statement released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.
During the talks, President Hu voiced his appreciation of the U.S. stance, repeated many times by Bush and his administration, that the U.S. adheres to the one-China policy, abides by the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques, opposes "Taiwan independence" and a referendum on Taiwan's U.N. membership, and is against Taiwan's bid to join the United Nations and other international organizations, which only sovereign countries can join.
Hu also expressed hope that the Chinese and U.S. governments will continue to make joint efforts to secure peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.
He said it is China's consistent stand that the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan should restore consultation and talks on the basis of "the 1992 consensus," which sees both sides recognize there is only one China, but agree to differ on its definition.
Hu also expressed his expectation that the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan will make joint efforts and create preconditions to formally end their hostility through consultation, to reach a peace agreement, to construct a framework for peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, and to usher in a new situation of cross-Straits relations.
Talking about the recent Lhasa riots, Hu said they were by no means "peaceful demonstrations" or activities of "non-violence" as claimed by the Dalai Lama clique, but undisguised serious and violent crimes.
No responsible government would sit by and watch when faced with this kind of violent crime, which gravely violated human rights, seriously disrupted social order, and seriously endangered the safety of public life and property, he added.
Hu said the Chinese government's policy toward the Dalai Lama is clear and consistent, and the Chinese government has all along kept in touch with his side with great patience.
President Hu further reiterated the government's willingness to continue contacts and consultation with the Dalai Lama, as long as he truly abandons advocating "Tibet independence" and stops activities aimed at splitting the motherland, especially activities to fan and mastermind violent crimes in Tibet as well as in some other regions and to sabotage the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games, and accepts that Tibet and Taiwan are inalienable parts of China.
Hu and Bush also exchanged views on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula and other matters of mutual concern.
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