Saturday, August 22, 2009

Senior Chinese official calls for government reform-

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reform 2008-09-05 17:16
I rather think the government is already doing that for the last 30 years and is doing very well. The art of administration is a SERVICE to the people.

There is no need the fix machinery when it is working well and productive. No need to upset the apple cart now.

king Lee 2008-09-05 16:00
'He stressed that the core of the administrative system reform is to abandon the "omnipotent" government and build a limited government. The role of the government must change from administration and control to service.' quote and unquote.

Mr.Ma Kai you have strike the core of the nerve by suggesting that the govt change from the perceived "omnipotent" to limited govt, and from control to service oriented, taking the role of service provider similar to that of the private sector to the people and "clients" per se.

After 30 years of economic reform, it is time for the authorities to take a bold stand and be action oriented to review the administrative system and structure in a way that it is changed in-tune with the motto of "serving the people' rights " ,and thus earning value from people's appraisal, not the other way round.

But first of all, in order to do this, the authorities must do away with the inherited mentality that they are the controller but regulator in time of necessity. In fact, "facilitators" would be more appropriate role play of the future govt structure and machinery, cutting down excessive interventions and regulatory measures unless necessary.

"Invisible govt" might be the aiming goal suggested by Mr. and also beneficial for the value of a civic society to take deep root in China land, where people go about their daily businesses and dealings as if the govt doesn't exist. This is inline with the core principle of a "wuwei" govt proposed by great saga Laozi.

As understood, the worst demerit of "visible" govt is nothing but bureaucracy. Not only the size is great, redundancy but the layers (red tapes)of accessing the govt and officials is enormously unappealing.And the result is inefficiency and creating loopholes for bribery ,corruption, misuse of power decadency culture etc.

Nevertheless ,as this writer see it, the authorities is not ready for this to happen yet ,this can be done only after political climate is mature ,as indicative of the result and valuation/ assessment of the recent "da pu zhi"(major departmental) reforms remain unannounced.

However as the credential s of Mr. as ex-chairman of the powerful Development and Reform Commission (fagaiwei), and now the secretary to the cabinet and main official to the govt administration of the above, the writer is confidence that Mr.Ma understood well what are the challenges and the political "prerogatives" facing the govt if it were to carry out necessary reform to the administrative system, to realize the goal of a service oriented govt machinery.

Good luck to you, Mr.Ma!

(comment posted in China Daily(China official English Daily)
by this writer.)

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